
Stuffing party

sounds excellent!!!!
id love to do a stuffing weekend, everyone could come over friday night, and could order take away and home delivery from the supermarket round the clock til sunday night. just lazing around eating all weekend. heaven.
16 years

Stuffing party

Count me in smiley
16 years

Stuffing party

yum! what an amazing party!
i would love to be in charge of decorations...
not like anyone would ever look at them... cuz the food would be splendid.

15 years

Stuffing party

They do have some great restaurants there. I was amazed. I've joked that I'd go back to Houston just for the food.

As for this party idea... it kind of reminds me of the pot luck we had at work before the holidays.... LOL... not quite but it was fun to see everyone stuff themselves.
15 years

Stuffing party

Now this is a party I wanna go to! Someone should make this real and get me there!! I hope it lasts for days, and the food would keep coming through the whole time!!
14 years

Stuffing party

JiggleMaker wrote
Stuffing Party...count me in. God that would be fun. One requirement...underwear only! You have to be able to see the effects on one another


14 years

Stuffing party

I had a dream one night about a woman that loved to gorge herself on beer and hamburgers. The more she ate and drank, the wetter she became as her belly filled to capacity. She ate the burgers like a starving woman, as she drained her pint glasses with big, greedy pulls from her plump lips. I kissed her chubby chin, nibbled on her ears and massaged her beach ball sized belly, until I woke up.....

If someone ever hosts a stuffer's part within a hundred mile radius of me, I'll be there with bells on smiley
14 years

Stuffing party

ThatReesesGirl wrote
It's funny, I help organize the DC area meets ups. We're actually trying to do a Stuffing Party in a few months, but it's going to be invitation only. Why? We don't want Creepers with all the Feedees (and girls) Stuffed and passed out on the couches.

I'll let you guys know how it goes. smiley

*hides ropes behind his back* What? You don't trust me?
13 years

Stuffing party

Too bad this post is 3 years old or I would be there too. Twinkie and I could carpool! Reese's let us know what happens. PrettyPanites will know too I suspect.
13 years

Stuffing party

If anyone in the Los Angeles Area wants to do this, straight or gay, male or female, as long as there is a lot of food and fat people, I'm there. We can even do a clothing exchange with clothes we have grown out of.

Damn I'm hungry.
13 years
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